Solarview Historic Replica Series

The Historic Replica Series skylight system was designed to carefully mimic sheet metal skylights that were fabricated throughout the U.S. and Europe from the late 1800’s until the proliferation of the modern aluminum tube skylight system.

Our Replica system is based on profiles taken from a 1915 sheet metal handbook, and matches the profiles almost exactly. The system incorporates a “stiffener pocket” that allows us to insert an aluminum or steel bar. The stiffener is concealed within the system, to allow unsupported spans significantly larger than conventional narrow I beam systems.

We are able to incorporate both single pane and insulated glass, and have even included historic wire glass, laminated to meet modern building codes.

As with all of the Solarview Skylights,
the system has been tested to meet current AAMA water infiltration, air infiltration and structural testing.